Our Approach

ThinkingStorm provides affordable and effective tutoring to students at different points in their academic careers, with the ultimate goals of student satisfaction and verifiable academic results.

Online Academic Support

Our online technology is effective and easy to use, enabling instant student access to rigorously trained educators. We offer high-quality, on-demand academic tutoring in math, science, business, writing, and design software. To learn more about our specific tutoring subjects, please click here.

Access Anytime, Anywhere

ThinkingStorm's tutoring services are available from 10am-4am EST, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Students can log in to our site from any computer with web access and work with a live tutor within a few minutes.

Dynamic Online Sessions

ThinkingStorm uses a “whiteboard interface” (an online chalkboard) that allows tutors and students to effortlessly post problems, draw diagrams, and discuss concepts in real time. As a complement to the whiteboards, our tutors and students also make liberal use of online chat to maintain a steady dialogue. This intuitive, collaborative exchange is central to our pedagogical approach.

A Thoughtful Approach to Learning

We believe students learn best when they see concepts explained in different ways and learn to apply those concepts to their assignments. Our pedagogy is designed to bridge gaps in student learning and give students the tools necessary for academic success. Our tutors are trained to work with a range of users – from those maintaining A’s to those returning to school after long breaks.

Customized Partnerships and Integration

As a small company, one of our strengths is tailoring our services to meet the unique needs of our clients. We make every effort to understand the curriculum and grading policies at each of our partner institutions by collaborating with faculty members and training our tutors on course syllabi. In short, we develop a process tailored to the needs of your students. Once a partnership is in place, we organize initial information sessions with faculty, offer continuous updates, and promote clear avenues of communication.

Our technology is designed to integrate into a school’s LMS or other academic system with ease, allowing for the seamless addition of a branded tutoring support center with single sign-on access for students. We also take care of time-consuming logistics by automatically tracking the time each student spends in our online classrooms and recording the level of academic support each student requires.

A Qualified Tutoring Team

ThinkingStorm was founded by experienced educators who have supported over 500,000 hours of online and in-person tutoring. With degrees in subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and English, our tutors are highly experienced and extensively trained in online tutoring pedagogy. Through our professional development program, we continually work with our tutors to ensure our students always receive top-notch instruction. To learn more about ThinkingStorm’s team of professional tutors, click here.